Steuerzeitrechner | Port time calculator

Extra for you,

calculate the port times of your cylinder
Have fun!

- To accurately calculate the timing you need this purpose a sliding calliper
- To determine the compression , you need a disposable syringe min. 30 ml, the same amount of 2-stroke oil.
Connecting rod length: For Vespa original PX 200: 110 mm
                                                                 PX 125: 105 mm

Quattrini crankshaft 232/244 - 57/60 mm stroke:      126 mm                      

King crankshaft 62/64 mm stroke:                            128 mm
Bore: Malossi 210:       6,85 cm
Quattrini 232/244/260: 7,20 cm
Stroke: For Vespa PX 125/200 from: 57 - 64 mm or even more ......



Example for Malossi 210:

Top edge outlet: from top edge Cylinder to top edge outlet - vertically in ..... mm, e.g. 32,5
Top edge transfer ports : from top edge Cylinder to top edge transfer ports - vertically in ..... mm, such as 45,8


Cyl.-Top edge +/- to Piston top edge:
To do this, the cylinder must be mounted (without a head) and the piston must be at top dead Center (TDC).
Height difference of the upper edge of the cylinder to the upper edge of the piston is measured perpendicular

to the cylinder bore.
In this example, a Malossi 210 old is mounted without foot seal.
With a 60 mm long stroke, the piston is 1,5 mm out of the cylinder
Cyl.-Top edge to piston top edge  = -1,50 mm (with 57 mm shaft = 0,00 mm)
Consequently, here at least a 1,5 mm thick head gasket is necessary for a squeezing edge of at least 1.2 mm (squeezing edge> = 1,2 - 1,5 max 1,8 mm depending on the intended use).
Now you can easily play with the timing, for example, with a Foot seal e.g. d = 1,5 mm,

by changing the upper edge of the cylinder to 0,00 mm or as desired.
Simply the cylinder up and down add or subtract the thickness of the Foot seal

at> Cyl.-Top edge +/- to Piston top edge <
Determine compression and engine cc:
Cyl.-Head cm3:
The most accurate way to determine the compression is when the cylinder is vertical, the piston set to

TDC and through the open spark plug hole 2-stroke oil using a syringe (at least 30ml scale)

is filled to the beginning of the spark plug hole.

The filled amount = cyl.-head cc.
Bore in cm: In the case of Malossi 210, the 68,5 mm is therefore 6,85 cm


Vespa PX 200 Motor | Engine | Moteur | Motore | Mesin | BFA MOTORI 306 | Quattrini M 260 244 | Malossi 210 221 MHR | Steuerzeitrechner | Port time calculator  | New Engines - Neue Motoren - Exclusive by VESPMOTO

Vespa PX 200 Motor | Engine | Moteur | Motore | Mesin | BFA MOTORI 306 | Quattrini M 260 244 | Malossi 210 221 MHR | Steuerzeitrechner | Port time calculator  | New Engines - Neue Motoren - Exclusive by VESPMOTO

Vespa PX 200 Engine Manufactory by Vespmoto


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